wtorek, 24 listopada 2015

A timeline of British monarchs

Just to refresh your memory:

Pirates!!! Arrrhhh!!! And the Queen Anne's War in the background.

How come England has (had) so many little islands all over the world? Let's find out - at least where they came from in the Caribbeans.

Among all real and fictious pirates, Blackbeard is probably the most interesting one:

And to get some taste in what it was like to be a pirate, let's visit an interactive National Geographic page - but remember, it's kiddies website ;)

Go HERE for a bit more serious take.

wtorek, 17 listopada 2015

Atlantic Slave Trade

These are the videos we watched in class:

And the full lesson with an online quiz and additionla information can be found HERE.

The details of the main two "triangles" are explained in the clip below:

And this is a lesson from our old friends over at Crash Course. Remember that you can click on CC to get the English subtitles ;)

środa, 4 listopada 2015